I am Luckie. I wear MANY hats, however the crown I enjoy most is being Mama Bear to Jerold, Justis and Jaiya. As a teen mom I quickly learned folks would underestimate and dismiss me, sight unseen, based on that label alone.

I’ve used my tenacity and grit to fuel everything I touch; shining light on just how influential the underestimated can be when they step into their power.

Each of the Daniels bring valuable gifts and skills to our Equity projects and community engagement initiatives.

Our STEP INTO MY SHOES journey began October 2017 as a simple response to a college application prompt for Justis: “if given the opportunity, how would you use technology to impact the world?”. Our ideas flowed and SIMS VR was born.

We had HIGH hopes for SIMS from the start. However when the creative agency I’d traveled to Charleston to join informed me my skills did not matter, I was not the “right culture fit”, life for our family became dire. Quickly.

SIMS went on the shelf with only a brief sighting in 2019, an Incubator for Black and Latino women entrepreneurs, Digital Undivided, extended an invitation to join BIGATL Cohort 4. An amazing opportunity yes, but one requiring a family move to Atlanta and a 3 month, full-time commitment (meaning no work for me, a single mom). I had to pass.

We have learned, thoughtful work requires an abundance of patience and clear intentions. We trust the process and believe the right connections happen at the right time.

Today, timing and technology for SIMS VR could not be more ideal. It took every step [and bump] along the way to get us here and we are thankful.

– The Daniels Family

Understand it better by and by. . .

Annie Carter Jackson

Because of her I know how to create beautiful braided hairstyles, take my Earl Grey tea with cream and sugar, am obsessed with fried green tomatoes and never find myself at a loss for a timely quote filled with kitchen wit (insight) and family history.

Annie Carter Jackson, my Maternal Great Grandmother was a HUGE part of what made childhood for me so sweet. She was my heart.

Born on February 23, 1898 in Washington Wilkes, Georgia, Grandma Jackson had a sense of humor that could match anyone and an abundance of life wisdom applied often to guide her children, grands and great-grands far away from danger.

Known affectionately as “Baby Sister” to our family, Grandma could tell a ghost story that would stop you in your tracks and is the reason why planting a little, green home garden brings me such joy.

Annie (1898-1981) and her Carter sisters, Fannie and Mattie Wee, were among the first students to attend HBCU Spelman Academy, now Spelman College, in Atlanta, GA. And there’s a good chance her Great-Great Granddaughter Jai will follow in her Spelman footsteps in 2025.