Being Daniels STRONG is how we define our family’s ability to overcome any hardship and life event that challenges us to navigate through and beyond it.

As a woman who has nurtured three Black children (Jerold, Justis and Jaiya) as a single Black mother in America, I would be remiss to paint my journey from teen mom to Social Impact Entrepreneur [and rock star DEI Program Manager], as having been easy.

I don’t know any Black woman who isn’t the Mountain she is as a result of the earthquakes she’s survived.

When you show up in a culture challenged with truly seeing you, and conditioned to devalue your presence, intelligence, talents and humanity, you don’t escape the impacts of its constant blow.

We are who we are today not because we don’t have knowledge of what tough times look like. We are who we are today due to our ability to overcome ANYTHING that dared to stop us.

Not an easy journey but without question, a blessed one.

With gratitude.

– Luckie


We are Daniels STRONG. We have overcome our share of life challenges and recognize our experiences have made us who we are today. We are proud of our story and strength.

We are a family deeply connected to the our Ancestry and history. We come by our work ethic, strength and resilient hustle righteously; it’s in our DNA.


I am Luckie. I wear MANY hats, however the crown I enjoy most is being Mama Bear to Jerold, Justis and Jaiya. As a teen mom I quickly learned folks would underestimate and dismiss me, sight unseen, based on that label alone.

I’ve used my tenacity and grit to fuel everything I touch; shining light on just how influential the underestimated can be when they step into their power.


It takes a village to not only raise a child, but to create any kind of real, sustainable change in the world. Period. 

There is no such thing as a “self made” man or woman. We have all been lifted, supported, instructed and/or empowered by somebody or something to get to where we are with what we got.


As impact entrepreneurs, we do not compartmentalize or ignore our identities. Everything is political, everything is personal, and is grounded in one vision: equity and justice for all. 

Our commitment to being in service to others is evident in our roster of Equity projects and the community relationships we foster.

From bringing science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) content and programming to inner-city and rural youth, to climate justice work, human rights advocacy,  Alzheimer’s awareness, and suicide prevention, we’re a family team dedicated to elevating and improving the world through experiential technology.